Monday, 11 April 2011

5a: code of practice-my oppinion

The chickenshed practice is one that i would say does not have a 'rule book', however thier policies and regualtions are just necessary if not more so than other establishments, in order for them to continue their unique way of working. In my oppinion there are four key elements that all play a part in the companie's 'code of conduct':

Team delivery
This is something that is an unwritten rule at chickenshed wether delivering a session, during rehursal even on the stage during performance. Delivering as a team, in whatever manner that may be, immediatly creates the feeling of support- no one should ever feel alone or isolated in a chickenshed session. This doesnt mean all of the team are stood at the from speaking one by one, they are there as a form of extended communication  for participants. Delivery supported by more than one person allows the communication to be adapted/shaped to the individuals who need that information as clearly and efficiently as possible in order for them to achieve their own personal best in whatever they are doing. This adaptation could come in many different forms, for example:

re-phrasing of a scentance
filtering of information
sign language/physical communication
demonstration of the task itself

This openess to adapt is something that chickenshed must continue to follow in order to adhere to the diverse community of members, staff and students.

Development of the Individual
In order for chickenshed to devlop as a company they need to recognise the contuious development of their participants. The care and time needed to do this is something that other companies dont have but it is in chickenshed's belief to do so.
I have often heard the saying 'Look at your own bigger picture' being used around the building, often after casting has been released. In my oppinion it is the companies way of asking people to focus on the significant development of themselves rather than others in order to understand why certain casting descions have been made (descions that would often conflict with 'mainstream' arts ideals). The word 'development' however can often be misunderstood as a negative process, meaning that development is needed because you are awful at  something. It is my understanding that chickenshed 'develop' people/skills by combing positive attributes that will compliment eachother and create an outcome greater than one positive skill alone.

In order for chickenshed to be known and respected as a 'pionerring' company, the work they produce must be of absolute excellece. It is easy, in my oppinion, to become complacent and safe with the buzz word that is 'inclusion' and use the same stragegies to demostrate this over and over again. However, as part of their work, both process' and performance's should never by hinderd by inclusion, the goal should always be to enhance it therefor contiuously demonstrationg the belief and need for the work to exist.
The push for and demonstation of such quality can only boost chickenshed's profile, advertising their work and interest in the company which inturn leads to outside understanding of the methodology...

'One day this will be the way the world works' chickeshed.

This words seems juxdaposed to 'codes of conduct' and 'regualtions', however there is no escape from the fact that chickenshed was build with the foundations of real emotion and belief from real people.
without the constant acknowledgement and engagement of feelings from the individual the company would not be able to convey the work that they produce.
generosity of spirit 
listed above are core qualities that chickenshed belive should be in every individual within the company. I think this final element to my outlook onn chickenshed's code of conduct enforce that unique nature that Chickenshed carries with it both in reputaion and practice.

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